ICU, Emergency


ICU, Emergency

ICU, Emergency

The Hospital has well-equipped Emergency and Day Care, Modular Operation theatres, Labour room & ICU. Well qualified experienced consultants in all specialities are working in the hospital. The Hospital has Daycare and casualty ward, separate male and female General wards, Ac Private Rooms. Wards & rooms are very spacious, well ventilated and covered by curtains. Each ward is managed by an adequate number of qualified & experienced nursing staff who provide a high standard of nursing care to the patient.

The reception has a huge hall with a sitting capacity of 50-60 persons. OPD is spacious with comfortable sitting arrangements. The hospital is air-conditioned. The hospital has wide stairs and lifts for easy patient transfer.

24 hours emergency services are provided to take urgent care of critically ill patients. The emergency room has all the life-saving drugs, resuscitation equipment, vital signs monitors and central oxygen supply. The minor procedure room is attached to the emergency room.

24 hours ambulance services are provided by the hospital. The ambulance has enough stock of emergency medicines, injections, intravenous fluids and oxygen.

Get Emergency Care 24/7

We are always at your side. We are 24 hours available for you in emergency situation.


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