Kathuria hospital owned ICU Ambulance, the ambulance is fully medical equipped to save the life of critical patients and immediate recuse patients to provide best medical care , in past Kathuria hospital save lot of human life with help of ICU Ambulance and better care . Hospital is dedicated to run the ambulance 24X7 X 365 Days. In this ambulance followings medical services equipment available.
- Auto loading stretcher
- Scoop type stretcher
- Spine Board
- Head Immobilizer
- Defibrillator
- Ventilator
- Cardiac Monitor
- Suction Apparatus
- Syringe pump / infusion pump
- Mobile Incubator
- O2 Systems with safety fitments
- All Emergency drugs
- Mobile intubation
In the ambulance our specialized medical staff boarded and observed the patient care inside ambulance in transit ensures patient get the emergency life saving medical services.